Oldtimer Budapest Programcentrum

Rendezvények, örömautózás, élmény transzferek oldtimer autóval

2024. 7. 21, - Ma Dániel napja van.

Old-timer Joy ride – Városliget (City Park)

„Yeah it’s so good in the park..!” says the evergreen hit and driving around Budapest’s most beautiful monuments and buildings in an aristocratic old-timer with a private driver is very pleasant indeed.

Car: 1954 Citroen Traction Avant, piano black-chrome
Staff: 1 driver
Departure: Műjégpálya entrance (Heroes’ Square)
Date: Prearranged
Duration: app. 30 minutes
Number of Passengers: 1-4 persons. The car is a big limousine, comfortable for the driver and 4 passengers.
Route: Heroes’ Square – Gundel – Zoo – Széchenyi Bath – Vajdahunyad Castle – Műjégpálya

Fee: 50 EUR or 14.000 HUF/Car (1-4 Persons)